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Federal Funding

See how we align with ESSER, ESSA, Title I, and more.

Title I Funding

What Is The Cares Act?


The CARES Act, which stands for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, is designed to give quick and direct help to American workers, families, and small businesses. An important part of the CARES Act is the  Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. ESSER gives schools a chance to elevate their educational resources by enabling the integration of literacy initiatives like Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine
Global Vending Group

Pioneers of Book Vending Machines in Schools

With decades of experience in the vending industry, Global Vending Group stands out from competitors by offering unparalleled expertise and innovative solutions like Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine. Our extensive knowledge and commitment to quality ensure reliable, engaging, and effective vending options that foster a love for reading and meet the unique needs of educational settings.
Download Inchy's Ultimate Funding Guide PDF


As part of the federal stimulus laws passed by Congress, financial support is available to districts and schools through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds. These funds offer schools and districts the flexibility to address their critical areas of need as they support their students, educators, and families.

Allowable Uses
Address Learning Loss
Features/Use Cases
Promote Reading Behaviors
Incentivize Attendance
Put Free Books in Homes
"Birthday Book" Program
School-Wide Reading Culture Support
PBIS Support

*You should consult with an appropriate administrator to confirm eligibility for ESSER funding. 

The CARES Act (ESSER Fund) Allowable Uses Matrix

Program Features/Use Cases Addressing Learning Loss Supporting Remote/Hybrid Learning Implementing Public Health Protocols Purchasing Educational Technology Providing Mental Health Services Summer Learning Programs Other Activities for Continuity
Promoting Reading Behaviors        
Improving SEL      
Enhancing PBIS        
Boosting Attendance        
Providing Books to Own        
Celebrating Birthdays with Books        
Supporting Remote and Hybrid Learning      
Fostering Student Engagement and Well-being      
Providing Equitable Access to Educational Resources        
Engaging Parents and Families        
Addressing Educational Disparities      

Title I Allowable Uses Matrix

Program Features/Use Cases Improving Academic Achievement Professional Development Schoolwide Programs Parental Involvement
Promoting Reading Behaviors  
Improving SEL  
Enhancing PBIS  
Boosting Attendance  
Providing Books to Own  
Celebrating Birthdays with Books  
Supporting Remote and Hybrid Learning    
Fostering Student Engagement and Well-being  
Providing Equitable Access to Educational Resources  
Engaging Parents and Families  
Addressing Educational Disparities  

Title III Allowable Uses Matrix

Program Features/Use Cases Academic Achievement of English Learners Professional Development Effective Language Instruction
Promoting Reading Behaviors
Improving SEL
Enhancing PBIS  
Boosting Attendance      
Providing Books to Own  
Celebrating Birthdays with Books  
Supporting Remote and Hybrid Learning
Fostering Student Engagement and Well-being
Providing Equitable Access to Educational Resources
Engaging Parents and Families
Addressing Educational Disparities

Title IV, Part A Allowable Uses Matrix

Program Features/Use Cases Well-Rounded Education Safe/Healthy Students Effective Use of Technology
Promoting Reading Behaviors    
Improving SEL  
Enhancing PBIS  
Boosting Attendance    
Providing Books to Own    
Celebrating Birthdays with Books    
Supporting Remote and Hybrid Learning    
Fostering Student Engagement and Well-being  
Providing Equitable Access to Educational Resources    
Engaging Parents and Families  
Addressing Educational Disparities    

IDEA Grants Allowable Uses Matrix

Program Features/Use Cases Education for Children with Disabilities Accessible Educational Materials Inclusive Education Practices
Promoting Reading Behaviors
Improving SEL
Enhancing PBIS  
Boosting Attendance      
Providing Books to Own
Celebrating Birthdays with Books
Supporting Remote and Hybrid Learning
Fostering Student Engagement and Well-being
Providing Equitable Access to Educational Resources
Engaging Parents and Families      
Addressing Educational Disparities
Program Features/Use Cases Academic Enrichment Opportunities Literacy and Related Educational Development Safe/Healthy Environments
Promoting Reading Behaviors  
Improving SEL
Enhancing PBIS
Boosting Attendance    
Providing Books to Own  
Celebrating Birthdays with Books  
Supporting Remote and Hybrid Learning  
Fostering Student Engagement and Well-being
Providing Equitable Access to Educational Resources  
Engaging Parents and Families
Addressing Educational Disparities


Our program aligns with Title I funding by specifically targeting and enhancing the educational outcomes for low-income students through innovative literacy initiatives. By incentivizing reading and making books more accessible with Inchy’s Bookworm Vending Machine, we directly support Title I goals of closing the achievement gap and promoting equal educational opportunities. This program not only encourages positive behavior and engagement in reading but also equips schools with an effective tool to foster a culture of literacy, crucial for academic success and lifelong learning among underserved populations.

Allowable Uses
Address Learning Loss
Features/Use Cases
Promote Reading Behaviors
Incentivize Attendance
Put Free Books in Homes
"Birthday Book" Program
School-Wide Reading Culture Support
PBIS Support

*You should consult with an appropriate administrator to confirm eligibility for ESSER funding. 


By thoughtfully integrating Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine into their Title I programming, schools can leverage these funds to significantly enhance literacy and academic outcomes for students most in need, aligning with the overarching goal of Title I to provide all students with the opportunity to achieve academic success. 

1. Assessment of Needs Begin by assessing the literacy needs of your student population and identifying how the book vending machine can meet those needs, particularly for those at risk of not meeting state standards.
2. Plan Development: Develop a comprehensive plan that details how the vending machine will be integrated into the school's existing literacy programs and Title I goals. This should include strategies for using the machine to support targeted instruction and intervention for struggling readers.
3. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage stakeholders, including teachers, parents, and students, in planning and supporting the implementation of the vending machine. Their input can be invaluable in tailoring the program to meet the specific needs of your school community.
4. Funding Application: When applying for Title I funds, clearly articulate in your application how the book vending machine project aligns with Title I objectives. Highlight the expected outcomes, such as increased reading levels, improved academic performance, and enhanced engagement with parents and the community.
5. Implementation & Evaluation Implement the project with clear benchmarks for success. Regularly evaluate its impact on student literacy and engagement, adjusting the program as necessary to ensure it effectively contributes to the goals outlined in your Title I plan.
6. Documentation and Reporting: Maintain detailed records of how Title I funds are used for the book vending machine, the number of students served, and the project's outcomes. This documentation will be critical for compliance with Title I reporting requirements and for demonstrating the project's impact to stakeholders.


In addition to ESSER, CARES Act, and Title I funding, there are several other federal funding streams that schools can explore to support literacy initiatives like Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine. These funding sources can be aligned with various educational priorities, including literacy improvement, technology integration, community engagement, and inclusive education. Below are some key federal funding options that could potentially support the purchase and implementation of a book vending machine in educational settings:

Title II, Part A - Supporting Effective Instruction


Provides funds to increase academic achievement by improving teacher and principal quality. This includes professional development, recruitment, and retention strategies.


Funds from Title II, Part A can be used to support literacy initiatives by providing professional development for teachers on innovative ways to encourage reading among students, including the use of Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine as a motivational tool.

Title III - Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students


Supports the needs of English learners (ELs) and immigrant students to help them achieve English proficiency and meet state academic standards.


Title III funds could be allocated to purchase bilingual or language learning books for Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine, directly supporting literacy development among ELs.

Title IV, Part A - Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants


Intended to improve students’ academic achievement by increasing the capacity of states, school districts, schools, and local communities to: provide all students with access to a well-rounded education, improve school conditions for student learning, and improve the use of technology in order to enhance the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.


The broad scope of Title IV, Part A allows for the funding of innovative educational tools like book vending machines that promote reading, support well-rounded educational opportunities, and enhance student engagement.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Grants


Supports schools in providing education to children with disabilities, ensuring they have access to the same educational opportunities as other children.


IDEA funds could be used to stock Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine with accessible books and materials for students with disabilities, supporting inclusive education practices.


21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC)


Supports the creation of community learning centers that provide academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools.


Funds from the 21st CCLC program can be used to support literacy and educational enrichment activities that could include access to Inchy's Bookworm Vending Machine during after-school programs.