If your school is ready to utilize title 1 funding to support literacy, look no further than Inchy’s Bookworm Vending Machine. Sometimes, justifying how a program aligns with Title I funding can be the hardest part. BookVending.com is here to help. Welcome to part two of a two part series on how this innovative, PBIS aligned, program is a perfect fit for Title I schools. Use this guide to help plan, apply, and implement the Inchy’s Bookworm Vending Machine program into your school.

Click here to see how Oswayo Valley Elementary School successfully utilized Title I funding to bring the program to their school.

Step-By-Step Guide

1. Assessment of Needs

Identify Literacy Needs:

Begin by assessing the literacy needs of your student population. For example, did you know that 34% of fourth graders don’t read at their grade level? Even more astonishing is 80% of children living in poor communities will lose reading skills over summer break. Use data and documentation to pinpoint how the book vending machine can meet those needs, especially for students at risk of not meeting state standards.

2. Plan Development

Comprehensive Integration:

Develop a detailed plan on how the vending machine will integrate into the school’s literacy programs and Title I goals. Include strategies for using the machine to support targeted instruction and intervention for struggling readers.

If you need some inspiration, download our free PDF – Inchy’s Guide To Implementing PBIS Rewards In The Classroom

3. Stakeholder Engagement

Invaluable Input:

Engage teachers, parents, and students in planning and supporting the implementation of the vending machine. Their input is invaluable in tailoring the program to meet the specific needs of your school community.

4. Funding Application

Articulate Alignment:

When applying to utilize Title I funding, clearly articulate how the book vending machine aligns with Title I objectives. Remember, this federal program provides supplemental financial assistance to school districts/schools with a high percentage of children from low-income families. Highlight how the Inchy’s Bookworm Vending Machine program provides all children with free and equitable access to books while reinforcing positive academic and behavioral habits. a significant opportunity to receive a fair, high-quality education, while closing educational achievement gaps. Don’t forget to include expected outcomes like increased reading levels, improved academic performance, and enhanced engagement with parents and the community.

5. Implementation and Evaluation

Clear Benchmarks:

Implement the project with clear benchmarks for success. Regularly evaluate its impact on student literacy and engagement, adjusting the program as necessary to ensure it effectively contributes to the goals outlined in your Title I plan.

6. Documentation and Reporting

Critical Records:

Maintain detailed records of how Title I funds are used for the vending machine, the number of students served, and project outcomes. This documentation is critical for compliance with Title I reporting requirements and demonstrating the project’s impact to stakeholders.

By integrating Inchy’s Bookworm Vending Machine thoughtfully, schools can leverage Title I funds to significantly enhance literacy and academic outcomes for students most in need. In doing so, schools will also align with the overarching goal of Title I to provide all students with the opportunity to achieve academic success.

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